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Time for the next poll to determine which character will get a fully painted pinup/illustration next month! You, the cool tier patrons (and above!), will decide! The candidates are seen below, chosen by patrons in the sweet and awesome tiers!

If you want to see more images of the contending characters to better familiarize yourself with them, check out this folder.

*: Character(s) marked with * are returning veterans from 3+ years ago whom are eligible to be put on polls again! This month's returning vet(s) previous pinups can be seen here: N/A

Vote for as many characters as you'd like! Poll ends at the end of this month. Winner becomes the featured painted reward next month.

NOTE!: On even months, I handpick at least one of these to become an additional flat color pinup at the end of the current month. Since this is an odd month, we will have a SSSStream later in the month.



I stg if y'all don't pick tony the tiger lmao


I know he’s an underdog but I love Kruger so much


Poor Richard at the bottom again


Khan, Kruger, and Mechagaogamon are def my picks >.>


Hoping Cyril pulls through He had a nice, strong lead at the start and this is third time putting him up lol


Fingers crossed for Bull Dad. :P


It's funny, since he had a lead of 8, fell behind Tony by as much as 4, and then surged again. This is gonna be an interesting poll lol