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Hey guys. Unfortunately I have hit a mental wall and I need to take a break before it gets worse. At the behest of my husband, I am going to take a couple of days off. I need just a short break to recharge as I'm feeling some major burnout both from work and from social energy/maintaing my online presence. My body is rejecting a lot of my output, and I was noticing it the last couple of days while trying to work on the Don Karnage pinup, haha. A break is needed...

Please understand, and thank you. I will be completely absent from my Discord server, Twitter and Telegram except for absolutely necessary things until Sunday evening/Monday morning. I will be taking Thursday and Friday off, and then working on my own on Don Karnage over the weekend to hopefully get him done by Monday.

Thanks so much for the support, guys. If you need to reach me for any reason I will still be checking my email at smash.rabbit@gmail.com twice a day. Love ya'll, see ya Monday ^^



It's a phrase well-echoed but truly mental, emotional and physical health take priority. Take as much time as you need to rest and recover. We'll be here for you no matter what. Enjoy your much earned break, Sal.


Rest up, we can wait


No worries! Take care and enjoy a good break! Hope you rest well


avoid bnuy burnout! : o breaks are healthy!