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Hey ya'll! I've had an idea I want to do to change up monthly rewards just a tad. But I wanted to put it up to a vote/forum first.

So to preface, this is sort of based on the monthly rule34 polls. The sweet and awesome tier patrons are the ones who decide the characters that show up for that. But only one gets chosen to get art, as we all know. Sadly, some of these choices just don't seem to ever stand a chance, some of which are also really desirable for me to draw.

SO, my thought is... in a way, to give some of these choices a chance, is to have an additional pinup on certain months where it's an "Artist's Choice" thing. I'll choose one of the runner-up's from the poll to make another pinup out of.

However, there certainly isn't enough time to make it painterly like the usual monthly pinup. So it will be a lineart + flat color thing which is something I can get done in a day. This additional pinup would replace (on even numbered months) the SSSStream for that month, though, is the caveat. The reason for that is because time is fleeting and there's only so much of it I can use in a single month. 😅

I would make SSSStream months odd, and Artist's Choice months even, which would make October the first month we do this new change.

Is anyone opposed to that, or does that sound good? Comment and/or vote below. If you have no preference either way and are just happy to be here, feel free to abstain from voting! Thanks, everyone.

PS: This month's SSSStream Padlet is up right now!! Go enter some suggestions.



It sounds like a great way to mix things up!


It's your art and time and talent, Sal. We will support what ever you do. Except Orbital Mind Control Lasers. Those I can't stand.


I would love to see what art YOU really want to do


the mind control part is the best man ;)


Haha I mean I saw a rengar comic with mind control theme is the best 😆