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^Title! For those who missed it, I'm changing how SSSStreams are going a bit. Cool tier+ patrons' suggestions are now able to be given at any time, starting a few days leading up to every SSSStream.

-->Here are the updated full details: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29443005

For now I'll be using Padlet to let ya'll enter your suggestions! It does not require you to make an account or anything so just follow the link and make suggestions!

-->This month's Padlet: https://padlet.com/SpelunkerSal/samba

I put several prompts to give suggestions under. Leave as many as you wish. Please note that every month the prompts may change, but some of them will remain the same every month too.

When the SSSStream happens, I'll read through all the suggestions and pick some to work on! Stream attendees can help me choose some at times.



I recommended the ones for the Gian, Santino, Junior spitroast and of the panther dude in Star Wolf posing seductively with a rose! I'm saying this because I'm excited!