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Hey, all! I am going to start using part of every Roommates stream day (probably about 2 hours or so today) to making a set of stickers for Telegram of chibi Roommates characters, reacting in various ways to be used as emotive responses! I'm going to ask you, my lovely patrons, what you would like to see me make as stickers of the Roommates characters? Are there any specific emotive ideas using specific characters you'd like to see made? Let me know in responses here. :) Thanks! See you guys in today's Roommates stream day on my Tigerdile page.

Either way I think I'm definitely just going to make the Sean Nosebleed chibi a sticker in itself, and probably the Gian blush one from an earlier page. Should I made fleeing Gian a sticker too?

Also! I've sent out all rewards to all successfully processed patrons. Check 'em out if you haven't, and thanks for supporting. :) 




The shocked Gian in page 17 or 18 of the current arc (FA isn't loading atm so I can't check) would be a neat one, along with the coy face when he's holding the socks. That's another cute one. The only other thing I can think of atm is one of Junior looking all tough and stuff in arc 2.

kai wolfheart

Ideas, umm......How about Bowser raging, since there's always one rage image, and he's well known for that. BJ or Gian happy smile. Grumpy Santino since he normally seems to have that look on his face, and Mondo or Roy acting all tough and buff. That's all I can think of at the moment.


...You already know /my/ answers, bro. C8


I am wondering.... just what is Telegram, and why is everyone doing stickers for it?


It is a messaging client that uses your phone number/data plan to message. Basically works like texting, but also can be used on desktop, which is handy. Anyway, the stickers just make it really fun to use! They're just small pre-loaded images of whatever you want them to be, so often people make custom emotive responses to use. Really neat. :) Here's one I made just for example: <a href="https://twitter.com/SpelunkerSal/status/705636109905047554" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/SpelunkerSal/status/705636109905047554</a>


NOW I get it! And... I love the flappers on your Twitter page!


Roommates is definitely pawable, and with the addition of Sean.... gods, even hotter than ever!