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EDIT: I had forgotten to do phone wallpapers for this, so they've now been added to the upload here, and everything is in a zip file attached to this post.

I'm FINALLY done with this! I did a lot of minor tweaking during my Free Day today, and now I'm calling this done. If you compare the last WIP to this one, the difference is slight, but I think it really needed it. Painting takes so damn long that it took me like 3 hours to do just that today. XD

Little late for Halloween but oh well. :P Be sure to check out the HD version if you're a cool tier+ patron (see links below)!

I'll also be supplying the PSD with all layers in tact for sweet tier+ patrons here in a few minutes (see links below)!

I'll probably have a new sketch to show off today for my next Free Day project (if my dogs let me keep working in peace!) Thanks for the support everyone.

Also, this is just an extra thing this month! I will be doing Wargreymon as a full painting (he won the last pinup poll), which I'm starting work on later this week. Stay tuned for that. Cheers! 🥂

WIP 1, 2 & 3 | WIP 4 | WIP 5 | Standard Size | HD Size | Photoshop File
