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You can always find these posts using the RnR tag~

We're going back through and starting to finalize the sets of sketches with lineart, and also did a redo of the Wrastor one (for context, he's tripped over himself after being discovered at a gay club and begging not to get pictures taken of him)

Hope you all enjoy, more to come <3




POV on the first pic is so huff...


Thanks Sal, you did a fantastic job

SpelunkerSal (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-10 20:20:03 I know right. I love stuff like that &lt;3
2020-06-12 21:13:43 I know right. I love stuff like that <3

I know right. I love stuff like that <3

Zachary Martin

Awwww santino looks fucking adorable

Torin Otter

Uggh Santino is perfect