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Here's one of the top tier rewards for this month! Scii wanted his OC-in-progress made to look like he's getting belly rubbed! We made some changes to his overall design and we feel confident the OC/'sona is just about finalized  now. Huzzah!

Please enjoy!




Lovely expression he has


Mewtwo is always a yes in my book

FinalGamerJames (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-10 20:21:47 Woah now a GIYGAS character? Well damn that is rare to see but wow he is cute <3
2020-02-13 03:50:59 Woah now a GIYGAS character? Well damn that is rare to see but wow he is cute <3

Woah now a GIYGAS character? Well damn that is rare to see but wow he is cute <3