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So... A long time ago, back when I was starting out streaming regularly for the first time (we're talking like... about 8 years ago), I was doing something akin to quick sketch commission streams. Someone asked for a Junior sketch of him as if he was slightly older. I did my best! But I never quite nailed the concept down in full. Well... since Junior's getting a pinup this month, I figured why the hell not try it again.

So... here's Junior aged up about 12 years from the "present". I guess here he'd be in his early 30's.

He doesn't stop pushing himself when he works out (thanks to his everlasting inspiration, his brother Roy), and here's the results! He also needs to start wearing his glasses all the time by this point though, so that's why those are there. ;P His horns finally stop growing at about 28, sadly he chipped one of them at some point.. And he keeps letting his hair grow out. Not to mention starts letting his body and facial hair fill in a bit more, him trying to look more his age, I guess.

I'm quite sure Gian doesn't mind this at all. ;D

Hope you guys enjoy the different look for him for this upcoming pinup! More progress soon.

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