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Just like last year, asking for your input via poll to decide what species my 2019 Poster Boy should be. Check out my previous years here in case you've not seen them before:

2012'a Angel | 2013's Carlos | 2014' Viktor | 2015's Jin | 2016's Wyatt | 2017's Kaikane | 2018's Tuketu

I put up some of the species from last year that got close, and picked some new ones out. Vote below! You may vote multiple times. :) Also, if you want, you can comment with a body type or motif for what you think would be appropriate for whatever you voted~

I'll leave the poll up for a week, then the highest voted species will be what I make my new poster boy into.


Luc Fin

If it ends up being a lion, it's reasonable for him to be a hunk ;)


I'm sad Boar isn't winning. I mean, its 2019, year of the Pig. Come on now people :P