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Hey guys, typing this out from my phone because my internet is out for the next couple days (really hoping it's a simple fix when the technician comes out to look at what the problem is). Apologies in advanced for any typos or weird sentence structure due to autocorrect being dumb. :P

So, I have been feeling like I need to make a change to how I do the monthly pinups because I am finding myself on the cusp of burnout every month from them, and having to work overtime every time to get them done. While I've been liking the results, doing two painterly pinuls is a tall order considering all the other stuff I do for Patreon, as well as outside of it. I still want to do two pinups (one Roommates and one Rule 34), but may have to switch up the style for one. So one month I may do a painterly Roommates pinup and a comic-style Rule 34 pinup, or vice versa.

So, here is what I'm proposing to try for February (sadly, it's too soon for me to try to experiment with the tiers/rewards for January):

Supporting tier will remain the same. Still get to see any post I make on Patreon except for HD size pinups.

Cool, Nice, and Roommates tiers will remain the same. You'll still get to vote on the pinups polls, and get the monthly art packs, and the HD size pinups. Nice and Roommates tiers will still get the Discord and stream benefits. Voting on Roommates polls will be the same, however, voting on rule 34 polls will be a little different (read the sweet tier to see how)

Sweet tier is where things will change a little bit. You'll still get the additional monthly art pack and the rest of the benefits from lower tiers. However, you'll get the added bonus of something like a "rule 34 suggestion pool".

Every month I'll ask for input from this tier and above for suggestions they'd want to see a rule 34 pinup of. It could be from anything. Sometimes I might limit it to certain subjects depending on the mood or flavor of the month from new games/shows/movies, etc.

I'll take 3 or 4 of the ones that sound nice to work on and/or the most popular ones that multiple people agree on, and then make a poll out of that for the Cool tier patrons and above to vote on like usual. The winner will be made as a pinup for that month's rule 34 pinup reward. For the rule 34 poll, I'll allow comments from patrons who are able to vote (meaning Cool tier and above) to suggest poses or scenarios for whoever they're voting for, and I'll read through them and may go with someone's suggestion to draw the rule 34 character in.

Awesome tier will remain the same with one added benefit. Still getting every benefit from the lower tiers, as well as a copy of the following year's Annual Folio that I do. What will be changing about this tier is that they can give input on how I do the Roommates pinup, like suggest pose or scenario, or stuff like that. This tier may need some flexibility so we'll see.

Mega tier will be the most changed, and will likely be raised in price a bit to compensate. Instead of making the suggestions for the rule 34 pinups like before, this tier will get a new benefit of a guarenteed flat color sketch of any character of their choice: Rule 34, OC or otherwise.

Pose and scenario still ultimately be up to me, but I am open to suggestion of course. Will generally take the suggestion for pose/scenario, but if it seems too complex or not really feasible I'll decide what to do with the character. Note that very complex characters will likely get a much rougher sketch/simpler pose because of time constraints. This tier may also need some flexibility, so we'll see.

Both Awesome and Mega tiers will be experimental while I find a balance that I can work comfortably with and make sure that I can get everything done on time without overworking myself to burnout.

Ultimately, I think with this way it should garner more user input and interaction, and produce more art, sacrificing one painterly pinup for my more conventional style while keeping one painterly and experimental like I've been doing. So hopefully that evens out with my time management.

Please post your thoughts based on your tier and let me know what you think. I hope these changes are reasonable for everyone involved at their own tiers. :)


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