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Just wanted to check in with everyone! If you recall my last update, we got a house, and we closed on it a few days ago. We've started moving stuff over and getting things cleared out at our apartment. It's been really slow, but going. We should be like 99% moved out by this weekend (Friday's the moving truck!) and then the next 2 weeks after that will be cleaning the apartment up and getting everything situated at the house.

It's been quite a lot! And still quite a lot more to do~

But yes, things are going well, and we've been keeping busy with all that. I really appreciate all your support and well wishes, and especially patience, while we do everything we gotta do!

So, as a note, there's been some talk about the same thing that happened with Tumblr potentially also happening with Patreon... KEYWORD: POTENTIALLY.

I don't want to alarm anyone, but you guys should be aware and prepared. If Patreon goes the way of Tumblr and bans NSFW content, we'll figure something out! I think Tigerdile still has it's Patreon-esque thing around, and Furry Network -maybe- has something similar, but I'd have to look into both of those. But, please please please make sure you're following me on some other platform if you are interested in keeping up with me and my artwork, just in case!! Hopefully it'll just blow over (I think it will, since it seems to be an overreaction), but here are other places you can find me in case you didn't know about them~


Again, thanks for your patience! I'll post some pics up on my Twitter in a couple weeks after we've settled and had a chance to set everything up and clean up the place. :)



Glad you guys are progressing with the move well!