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Hey, everyone. So, as you all know by now, Hurricane Florence is threatening the Carolinas and put them in a state of emergency. Florence is making landfall late tonight/early tomorrow. I am located in Winston-Salem so I'm going to be heavily affected by it too (of course not as much as the coast). We're set to get severe flooding and high winds, so I wanted to update you all that I might go off the grid for a few days, or maybe even weeks, if the power goes out.

Keep an eye on my Twitter here. I plan on making updates about our situation whenever possible. We've made all the necessary preparations and should be just fine! Can't do much about lost power though, and will have to wait until Duke Energy restores it in our area.



My folks are on the coast down in SC, so I’m sending I’m doing my best to send good vibes y’alls way and hoping for the best for everyone!


Stay safe!


Be careful out there :(


Please stay safe out there, both you and Dreamous.

Ket Ralus

Best of luck, guys! I’m glad you are taking precautions. It makes me confident you’ll pull through. =}


good luck! : x