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"Sir, we have some bad news."
"What is it, lieutenant?"
"The Thicc Giant Monsters have moved to the quarter's nuclear power plant."
"And? The city's evacuated, so there's no immediate danger if the plant is destroyed."
"I just received confirmation, that the TGMs are feeding on the nuclear waste and power stored in the plant. They appear to be...growing."
"Growing? That's impossible!"
"Sir, we need to call off the nuke! There's no telling what happens when it--"
"This is Bomber 7. Fat Bertha is loose. I repeat; Fat Bertha is loose."
"Dear God..."




ahah yes, I foreseen this! those cat vines X3 I like the one's that looking at the pool of liquid ;D and damn, did they not watch movies? radiations won't help ;3