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Paraphilias and Sexual Fetishes (full)

Dr. Kirk Honda and Humberto critique paraphilic disorders, sexual fetishes, and DSM-5. The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. March 8, 2017. Email: Contact@PsychologyInSeattle.com Become a patron of our podcast by going to https://www.patreon.com/PsychologyInSeattle



I've read a fair amount of Foucault, although not his "History of Sexuality" which is most relevant to the topic at hand. I do generally subscribe to the idea that what is and isn't acceptable sexually is a product of power relations, institutions, and the historical situation. This is why history was always Foucault's primary focus, to look at how these morals and rules had changed over time and to try to recognize trends and draw conclusions from this. I'm sure that, as a gay man, he was more sensitive to these aspects of sexuality than normal. He was very good at recognizing this, being heavily influenced by both Marx (via Althusser) and Nietzsche.


This may be only marginally related to the subject, but- can we have a podcast about the psychology of 50 Shades of Grey? I find the books and movies made people curious about what would otherwise be a very taboo topic, but IMHO they could have been done a better work with the psychological aspects... It seems to follow the "abused child turns into sadistic adult" clichè, and I personally feel that while there might be some truth in that, it is very simplicistic. I'd be very curious to hear a professional opinion about Christian Grey!