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Parapsychology (full)

Dr Kirk Honda and Humberto talk about parapsychology (e.g., ESP). The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. Dec 30, 2016. Email: Contact@PsychologyInSeattle.com Become a patron of our podcast by going to https://www.patreon.com/PsychologyInSeattle



For anyone who likes these sorts of difficult to explain phenomena, I can recommend a brilliant british podcast called Unexplained which covers lots of well known (and not so well known) events where strange things have happened that no one is able to account for. He offer alternative explanations but you are always left wondering...


I did have one paranormal experience, well several technically, where I was actually able to record "data". This is a long story: Earlier this year, I noticed that every time I would get into my car, my eyes would start tearing up like crazy because my air vents were positioned directly to blow into my eyes. I never adjusted them like that because why would I want air annoyingly blowing into my eyes? Then I realized no one had been in my car for weeks and I am religious about locking and arming my car alarm because I live in Minneapolis and don't need my car robbed. After one too many days of the annoying teary eyes, I made it ritual to point my air vents down as far as they would go every time I left my car to see if they would move by the time I would come back. Here's where it gets weird- it didn't matter where I left my car: college, my apartment, work, parent's house; THE VENTS WOULD ALWAYS BE READJUSTED TO BLOW INTO MY EYES WHEN I'D COME BACK TO MY CAR!! At any hour of the day too! That's when I started thinking a ghost was at play because there was just no explanation due to all of the places it would happen. Then I started noticing my things going missing in my apartment and showing up in strange places; like perfume that I never removed from my purse going missing and reappearing weeks later in the middle of the kitchen table. The plants in my apartment started growing at an extreme rate when it wasn't their season to! Then one night, I had a dream that I was in a strange foggy place outside and my grandma appeared out of the fog saying "Is that Sadie?!". The dream ended with hugging her and this crazy euphoria during the hug that brought me to intense tears of joy and comfort I woke up with on my cheeks. If I could compare it to anything, it would be like all of the recreational drugs I have ever tried but only the good parts of being high (I don't do drugs regularly, and I was sober during the weeks this story took place, I've just experimented in the past). But anyways, it didn't feel like a normal dream. The crazy thing is, my grandma had died a few weeks before the weird stuff started happening. After the dream, the only other weird thing that happened was a couple days later, I was carrying a wine glass back to my kitchen. For some reason my glass flew out of my hand and shattered- I thought it was just clumsiness, but then maybe 3 seconds later my heavy ceramic latch top sugar/flour holder flew off of my counter and thud onto the floor. There was no way it could have rolled because it was drying on a dish towel, it was pushed back on the counter far enough not to roll, and that thing is heavy and stable anyways! I do have a picture of the aftermath of that. But, everything weird that happened during those weeks came to a halt after that- no more missing items, the moved vents stopped, my plants calmed down, nothing. It was the strangest thing and I really don't think it was all in my head because my grandma and I weren't super close; so when the weirdness began, I noticed and monitored it before she even came to mind. While most of my ghost story isn't measurable, monitoring the vents was a pretty credible way to collect data and at least know for sure I wasn't just going looney. I just wish I took video or pictures or something to document the evidence of the moving vents!