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Rebecca, such a terrible, awful thing you had to go through during your childhood. How dare those “artists” do such a thing for their personal gain. As a victim of young adult sexual trauma myself I relate to your nightmares as I have similar nightmares. I call them stress dreams. I find you are very brave to tell you story. I’m just now finally trying to tell my story to safe people and really having a hard time with it. Maybe I need to eat yummy Thai food for self-care!! Definitely make the turmeric candles!!! I laughed out loud on that. Take care you brave, old soul!! ❤️


Rebecca, thank you so much for sharing your story. It was so powerful not only to hear your experience, but also to hear you advocating for your needs in order to safely come on and share the story. Something I find as a trauma survivor is people often feel entitled to our stories without allowing us the space for self care & preservation, and expect us to be able to rattle off our traumas like a grocery list. Your willingness to be vulnerable not only for Kirk but for all of us is incredible. I felt so many different emotions listening to this episode & it was a powerful experience.