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Therapist Difficulties (full)

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. Rerun Episode. Email: Contact@PsychologyInSeattle.com Please become a patron of our podcast on our Patreon page by going to https://www.patreon.com/PsychologyInSeattle



Al an example as a Nurse Practitioner.....When a patient is non compliant with the prescribed therapy and then comes in and blames me for not getting their condition under control. I feel frustration, annoyance, insecurity in my own abilities to get my points across, and fear that i am not doing my patient justice. I even feel that I am in the wrong profession at times. ......Yes, I do feel you are on to something significant.


Dr. Honda. I am convinced you are on to something that has a broad application. I see how it has worked in every service job i have had. As a Nurse-Practitioner, ...........when the patient is non-complint and then blames me for not getting their condition under control. I feel irritation, frustration, I double my own ability and wonder if I should even be practicing and I even question if I may be doing the patient harm.


Yes, I've heard from people in other professions who have experienced similar reactions to difficult moments.