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[Rerun] Dr. Kirk does a deep dive on borderline personality disorder. 

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The Psychology In Seattle Podcast ®

Trigger Warning: This episode may include topics such as assault, trauma, and discrimination. If necessary, listeners are encouraged to refrain from listening and care for their safety and well-being.

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Hi Dr. Kirk! I just want to let you know that listening to your podcasts has been very therapeutic for me in a huge way. My mother has BPD, and being raised by a BPD parent was hugely traumatic for me. Sometimes she could be very loving and kind to me, and then the next minute she could turn on me and start screaming and yelling verbal abuse. She could also be very neglectful to the point of basically having to raise myself during my teen years. Living with her was very chaotic, and it damaged me a lot. Luckily, I've been going to therapy to work on my issues, and one of the things that's really helped me heal has been your podcasts about BPD and other personality disorders. For a long time, I was very afraid and angry with my mother, but your podcasts have helped me have compassion for her. The compassion I feel has helped me have compassion for myself too. It even helped me have a conversation about my childhood with her this past weekend. She actually listened and even apologized to me about everything that happened. Every time I've tried to get her to listen to me about anything negative regarding how I was raised, she's always tried to defend, deny and deflect, but this time, she actually listened. It was the most healing experience I've ever had with my mother - to just have her listen. Part of the reason she probably did so was because of the tools I learned through therapy and this podcast, and because I was talking to her in a compassionate frame of mind. Anyway, I just want to thank you so much for everything you're doing. I can't tell you how profound this experience was, and I don't know how long it will last or if it will last, but I am grateful that I had at least one time in my life where I had the mother I always wanted - even if it was for just one afternoon. I appreciate you. Thank you! 🙏


So insightful and eloquent. Thank you deeply. Currently in transference focused therapy and this helps a lot to understand what my therapist could potentially go through (is this a subject that you’d like to cover someday? Maybe you already did.. i have to double check). I also feel extremely understood and you probably know how that is an important and a rare feeling to someone who has borderline. Had a lot of aha moments. Very grateful to have discovered this podcast. Merci from Montreal !


Yeah, I mean, I've basically talked about transference focused therapy in every episode about borderline in that the evidence shows that relationship oriented therapies tend to help in the long-term.