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Bowenian Therapy (full)

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. Rerun: Dr. Kirk Honda talks about Bowenian Therapy. Music by Bread Knife Incident. May 18, 2016.



I have a question that I am not sure you have covered: termination. I am not a therapist but a nonromantic relationship I had ended with what seemed to me the two of us in a similar situation as a therapist terminating a client without referral. I wonder how termination is handled: how much should you prepare the person for it, what tools should you give them to handle it, and talk about both perspectives, client and therapist. Thanks!


Good questions, Patron Dani! I'll talk about that sometime soon, within the next couple months. Can you provide any clarification? What sort of relationship?


I would have thought that critique could come from sociology and anthropology.I also think that there is a danger in derogating independence,individuality,autonomy etc of essentialising groups who feel they are 'naturally' less masculine.