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Dr. Kirk presents cases of unethical therapists. 

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I've had a lot of therapy trauma from multiple different therapists, so this just makes me worry more that it's hard to get not just a therapist that can help me, but one that also won't hurt me.


I am a former client of a psychologist who I saw for 10 years for complex ptsd. At no time did this psychologist explain to me the mode of treatments she performed. She explained CBT in the beginning but I later learned she switched to attachment therapy treatment without me knowing what she was doing. Our relationship became strained over time as she was having contact with me outside of session times but then stopped that saying I was becoming too dependant but later restarted this to a lesser degree. I suffered agoraphobia as well and to assist me with this by allowing me to do some work in the gardens around her clinic but this also become complicated because I did some nice things and then an expectation formed I would do even more and more in the garden and when I said I did not want to do this anymore there was a strain on the therapy relationship again. The real probables was I was attuned with this therapist while strict boundaries were kept by her but when she changed that and started the attachment therapy without helping me understand this, then the gardening stuff come up it all got messier and messier. I ended therapy a year ago and she said we should remain in contact as friends but again she run hot and cold and I wasn’t a friend as such and was t a client but she was expected I would finish garden projects and I’m talking big projects like installing a playground etc... it’s very complicated. I felt I cared very much for her but she was just using me. This has all ended terribly for me and left me feeling like any good work we did in the first few years of therapy has all been undone now. From my own prospective I spent 10 years in therapy, hundreds of hours of painful work and lots of money of course and in the end have little to show for it but yet more loss and grief. My point in telling this story is for therapist to hopefully see that even when you feel you may be assisting clients by crossing boundaries that in the end you are actually going to hurt them more. Forget about what is legal, what is within the ethical guidelines and ask yourself, is what I am doing with this client now going to help them or could it potentially harm them. If you follow that principle you surely will also be meeting ethical and legal obligations. My own situation is a mess and for me it feels like I will suffer, not the therapist. Her life will go on while I spend time trying to piece back together some sort of way out of the mess she really created for me. This could have been avoided had she not started treatment with me on attachment therapy without explaining what she was doing and allowing me the chance to accept that treatment with all the risk. But also if she had explained it I think I could have engaged with that treatment with insight. Instead I did not even understand all the feelings I was having when she was doing that. Silly really because it would be like a surgeon performing surgery but not explaining to the patient how to exercise, and do other things to recover from surgery. I don’t know if that makes sense but I didn’t understand why all these emotions were happening and I struggled seriously because of it. I asked her one day what are you doing to me and she could not explain, or did not. Also while I think the gardening helped my agoraphobia and I was actually the one the suggest it may help she took advantage of this and I felt pressure to do more and more to please her. This led to me creating a rod for my own back and I’m talking about me having worked in the gardens there for many many days, weeks and months over a number of years. I was a fool to do it but I did it and in the end all it did was create a greater rift between me and my therapist. I wish she had communicated with me more, I wish she had included me in the decisions about my treatment, I wish she had maintained strict boundaries and never began contact outside of the therapy room. I think I would have been better off if that had happened. I know you talk about therapist getting light sentences even when they do things terribly. As the client of the service we can sometimes pay a pretty hefty price. I’m sorry if I sound jaded. I finally decided to end contact with my own therapist only weeks ago so it all still pretty raw for me. I considered reporting my therapist but decided against it in the end because I still care for her, I think she is a flawed human being but I don’t feel she intentionally set out to exploit me ...maybe, I’m not sure. It’s was much more complicated from a feelings point of view for me anyway and I still cannot see it all clearly. I tell my story here hoping other therapist and clients see it and maybe can gain something from my experiences that can he,p them with their clients/therapists. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Sorry it’s long winded. 🙏