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Is Facebook bad for us? Are we descending into chaos? Dr. Kirk and Humberto discuss the new documentary “The Social Dilemma”.

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Is the instant self esteem you mentioned from looking at social media the same as a dopamine hit?


I have been feeling much more peaceful since I deactivated my Facebook account. I am also motivated to reach out to people directly which makes me feel closer to them! I felt a pull to Facebook more during COVID due to being alone so much, but it was making me feel more alone. Now that I am reaching out to people directly I am feeling more connected. Also....I have to say that I have been deactivated for about a month and I am now getting TEXTS from Facebook telling me that people are posting things! I disabled my Facebook before watching the documentary, but it does help me really think about who is after my time and what kind of boundaries I personally need to protect my time and energy... and now when they text me about people’s updates... I know it’s manipulation and I can choose with more clarity to continue being present in my life and not using Facebook as a pacifier for real connection.