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If you not already, you need to use the instructions below to subscribe to the new premium feed, or else you will lose access to patron-only episodes. 

As a Patron, you get access to the Premium episodes in the following ways:

1) On your PHONE PODCAST APP by using the instructions below. Pros: easy, access to all 1000+ episodes (not all eps are up yet as we are currently adding to the archive). Cons: nothing of note. 

2) On our PATREON PAGE. Pros: easy to access recent episodes. Cons: hard to find older episodes. 

3) On the “Patron Eps” tab on our WEBSITE (PsychologyInSeattle.com). Use the password: empathyftw. Pros: access to all 1000+ episodes, including premium, in one place. Cons: not convenient. 



For this to work, you need to 1) install the Patreon app on your phone, and 2) be a patron.

Step 1: Go to the Psychology In Seattle Patreon page on your Patreon phone app and click on “My Membership”.

(If you don’t see “My Membership”, you might have an older version of the Patreon app. If so, either update the app or click on “Overview”.)

Step 2: Scroll down and click on “Connect to RSS Feed”.

Step 3: On the Acast page, click on “Allow”.

Step 4: On the next Acast page, click on your preferred podcast phone app (e.g., Apple Podcasts, Podcast Addict, etc.). That should take you to your podcast phone app. Click “Subscribe”. You’re done.


(If you don’t see your preferred podcast app on the list, either use another podcast app (e.g., Acast) or use the following instructions: Click on the copy icon at the bottom to copy the URL. Then open your podcast app and follow the instructions to manually add a podcast. For example, on Downcast, you click on the “Add” button, then “Add Podcast Manually”, then paste the previously copied URL into the URL box, then click “Subscribe”.)

This process subscribes you to a unique feed that is just for you. Each patron gets their own feed. If you cancel your patronage or your credit card doesn’t go through at the beginning of the month, this unique feed will stop working until you become a patron again or fix your credit card with Patreon.

(This probably won’t work with Spotify or Stitcher since they don’t allow premium feeds.)


If you have trouble accessing the Premium episodes, please go to: https://psychologyinseattle.squarespace.com/contact

Thanks for being a Patron! We love you!

~Kirk, Stacy, and Humberto



The old feed has an orange logo and the new feed has a teal logo.


Awesome. I’m good then :)