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PATRON EXCLUSIVE EPISODE: Dr. Kirk Honda and Humberto talk about cuckold fetish. Music by Bread Knife Incident. Oct 26, 2015.


Cuckold Fetish

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. PATRON EXCLUSIVE EPISODE: Dr. Kirk Honda talks with Humberto cuckold fetish. Music by Bread Knife Incident. Oct 26, 2015.



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I remember reading about some cult leaders who were into this. Isn't there may be a sense for very confident people like hey I've exhausted the possibilities of my own physical self I can extend my power over other people?? There could also be a power thing of vicariously assuming the female role..not bisexuality per se but hey I can attract men and women via this proxy. There is also the thing about the woman you are with being perceived as completely uninhibited....even straight porestart are women who have sex with lots and lots and lots of men and it doesn't seem to put men off. There is also an argument from Hegel based on master slave relationship but I'll have to dig it out after work.