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Our legal system and society are broken and rape victims continue to be disbelieved, mistreated, and stigmatized. We review the new Netflix show Unbelievable. We also talk with Christy Forrester about her rape experience, her struggle with the legal system, and her path to advocacy and becoming a therapist. 

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The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

Oct 5, 2019.

Access archive at: https://psychologyinseattle.squarespace.com

Music by Bread Knife Incident.  

This content is for educational and informational purposes only. Although Kirk Honda is a licensed marriage and family therapist, this content is not a replacement for proper mental health treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your mental health needs.




Beautiful, difficult episode. Thank you guys.


“Survivors will not be limited, labeled, boxed in, oppressed. We will not be isolated. We have had enough... enough of the shame, diminishment, the disbelief, enough loneliness... Look at all this togetherness! Look out for one another. Seek whatever you wish to be in life. Speak up when they try to silence you. Stand up when they shove you down. No one gets to define you. YOU do.” This is from Chanel Miller (Brock Turner’s victim) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ouIxvBMF7Rw