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(This might be triggering for some listeners. Talk with your therapist before listening.)

Do you have recurring patterns in your relationships that are frustrating? Schema therapy might help. Dr. Kirk Honda talks for over four hours about the theory and how to use it in your life -- our core emotional needs, the schema that develop when some of our needs aren't met, how we habitually cope with those schema being triggered, and our overall personality modes that develop.

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The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

Aug 30, 2019.

Access archive at: https://psychologyinseattle.squarespace.com

Music by Bread Knife Incident.  

This content is for educational and informational purposes only. Although Kirk Honda is a licensed marriage and family therapist, this content is not a replacement for proper mental health treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your mental health needs.




Thank you, thank you, thank you! This episode was so enlightening. I’ve always wondered about some of my behaviors that seem to be in contrast with each other. For example, sometimes I would be extremely extroverted and outgoing, and the next time I would behave very shyly. Now that I know about the fight or flight response, I understand that the same schema can result in different modes and behaviors that can seem contrasting at times.


Random question.. In regards to kids entering the world with a temperament already inherited, and not as a blank slate, have there been any studies or research in looking at how the mothers moods and her own temperament while carrying affect the child's temperament? Or is the gestation period already included past the 'entering the world' period and we're looking at just genetics to account for inherited temperament. Still in stream, so if already addressed in episode, apologies.