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  1. Meet Paul
  2. Make or      drink the perfect piña colada
  3. Take a year      OFF
  4. Buy a Gibson      SG
  5. Buy an EMI      REDD preamp
  6. Visit Abbey      road
  7. Watch      Casablanca
  8. Watch      certain classics, like apocalypse now
  9. Meet Mary      Harron
  10. Eat at a 3      Michelin star place
  11. Finish my      piano CD


1 – Exhaust all possible podcast topics!

2 – Finish interviewing my parents

3 – Italy

4 – Lose the extra pounds

5 – The perfect house, I guess

6 – Play Gish well, I guess

7 – Perfect podcasting studio, I guess

8 – Cheesy cruise, I guess

9 – Finish my grief book, I guess

10 – See the northern lights, I guess

11 – Mardi Gras, I guess 


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