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  1. Mr. Rogers
  2. Carl Sagan
  3. Isaac Asimov
  4. Alan Turing
  5. Mozart
  6. Leonardo      davinci
  7. Bruce Lee
  8. Richard      Feynman
  9. Michael      Crichton
  10. Nicolai      Tesla
  11. Lady Ada      Lovelace


 1 – My Great-Grandmother Effie Mae

2 – My Irish 8th Great-Grandmother Honora O’Flynn who was stolen by British sailors and sold to a man in American Colonies 

3 – Freud

4 – The people who made the cave paintings in France 17,000 years ago

5 – Jesus 

6 – George Washington 

7 – Elliott Smith

8 – Yoda

9 – John Lennon

10 – The first Black slave in the US

11 – Buddha 



Going through the anniversary you tubes here I don't see a list of your-alls 11 favorite movies - there are some I'd like to watch but was walking while listening so couldn't write them down...


Why thank you!