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We're looking for volunteers to go to Gameworks (downtown Seattle) and camp out in the hangout area starting at 6 or 7 pm on Saturday Aug 10. If you're up for it, you would go to the balcony area just above the restaurant with the couches, pool table, and air hockey. Usually, there's no one there because it's separate from the rest of the venue. The campers would spread out to subtly discourage randoms from congregating. My wife, Stacy, will arrive around 7 pm. Then Humberto and I will arrive after our 11-hour YouTube Live Stream ends at 8 pm. I know it's sort of silly (and janky) to camp out like this, but I didn't want to pay for a venue because I'm always worried no one will show -- low self-esteem, I guess. :)  Let us know!



I can do it assuming I can find wherever it is at 😁. I'll be alone anyways with no company so might as well be useful . Let me know if I'm needed