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How should a therapist respond to client infidelity? After being dumped, how do we grieve? Dr. Kirk Honda talks with Bob about these questions and more. 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

June 26, 2019.

Email: Contact@PsychologyInSeattle.com

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  




I finally became Patreon. I’m going through my toughest break up ever which has included No anger but is just so so so sad. Listening to your voices calms me so much. I have really allowed myself to feel all pain and cry all the tears and I will probably do that for quite a while (it’s only been 1,5 week). But I am, compared to before, much less scared about feeling the pain. Bobs story was <3333


WOW. As one of the patrons who asked for an episode about traumatic breakups, I want to thank Bob for the intensity and the accuracy of his testimony. Right this morning I had a painful therapy session about my ex boyfriend. We were only together for eight months as well, and this week is the two-year anniversary of the first time we met. I recognize every single emotion in Bob's words. My relationship was long-distance, which prevented me from taking any rushed big steps like moving in together, otherwise I can totally see myself making the same "mistakes" (?). I know way too well how selective attention can work against you, you keep noticing things to which you never paid attention to. I'm ashamed of how bad I'm still hurting. I keep thinking that it's been too long, that it's stupid to feel so devastated for someone who doesn't really care, that I'm cowardly choosing "that devil I know" because I'm too afraid to move on. Listening to this episode made me feel less alone. I didn't even realize what I needed was validation. Also, I love how your answers to Bob's words mirrored my therapist's. It's nice to feel a connection aaall the way from Italy!


I'm glad you feel validated. You deserve that. Yes, if you didn't feel the pain, you wouldn't be human. It's good to care about loss.