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How introverted are Dr. Kirk and Bob? Let's see. What is introversion exactly? 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

June 18, 2019.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  




Loved this.

Deanna T.

As an introvert, I really appreciated this episode. I absolutely need time alone to recharge. I work with people all day every day at work, and my lunchtime is my time to go home, eat alone, and relax with my dogs. Yesterday, I had a colleague in town, and a group of us went out to dinner with her after work, then I was on the phone until bedtime. Today at lunch, I missed my recharge time because I had to run errands which required interaction. I'm counting down th next 4 hours until the end of the work day! Small talk at parties is my idea of hell on Earth, and when I try, I suck at it, especially working my way into conversation that is already going on. How do people do that?🤷‍♀️