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Dr. Kirk Honda and Bob review a case in which a therapist was unethical. 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

June 3, 2019.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  




That was a fast reply!! Reporter lived next door to a psychiatrist (summer home) in the Hamptons and what unfolded about him and his maintenance man takes breaking ethical boundaries to a whole other level. Makes taking a cruise with a client look like nothin’. It’s really interesting and if you enjoy yelling “WTF??” aloud about 100 times while listening to podcasts, this is for you! (And I only say that related to stories you guys discuss, not AT you guys...) 😉


I love this podcast and this episode, but I have a little quibble with Dr. Honda's interpretation of Forrest Gump's mantra, "Stupid is what stupid does." Which I realize is a petty quibble and did not at all negatively impact my enjoyment of the episode. I think what that saying means is that there is no quality of being of stupid, like happy or sad, but stupidness is based on the actions you take. So, in the case of Forrest Gump, everyone calls him stupid, but nothing he does is ever stupid. In fact, if you determine stupidness based on actions, Forrest is the most brilliant person in the movie. Anyway, I still think that "Stupid is what stupid does" applies to this counselor, because his actions were in fact stupid. He might have been brilliant by conventional standards, but he's stupid because his actions are hella dumb.