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Hey Patron!  For the past month, I've been writing the attached paper on the ethics of me being on social media.  If you have any expertise in ethics or writing, I'd love to get your opinion.  Please be brutally honest.  I want to eliminate any problems before publication. Thanks so much!  I'll probably write the next draft by May 23rd. It's easiest if you put comments in the doc itself and email the commented doc to contact@psychologyinseattle.com



Obviously, I am in full support of you as I am a patron and longtime listener of your podcast. I am only providing this based on your request, and I do not mean to offend in any way because I truly admire your work. Furthermore, due to my own personal time constraints, I only read up to the section titled, "Risk: Boundary Violations." Thus, anything I will now write may have already been answered in your well-written, comprehensive piece. With this in mind: 1) Your argument that there is disparity in mental health resources as a basis for your podcast and media efforts (i.e., "We must do all we can to reach as many people as possible.") is vulnerable to someone who might counter, "We should not do all we can, but rather we should do the best of what we can." This becomes more precarious when one wonders if people are using your podcast and media efforts as a substitute for professional mental health treatment (I would never claim this, and neither would you. But perhaps if you spoke to this in your paper, it will be clear where you stand.) 2) You made an excellent argument in the fact that your podcast and media efforts are important in leading the way with professional, evidence-based analysis of celebrities and mental health. As you expertly write, "We can complain about this all we want, but until we actually do something about it, we are part of the problem." and "Many times, I have thrown up my hands and given up, but then I remember that without some contact with people like me, they will be lost in a sea of propaganda." 3) I think you bring up an excellent point about the need for further research, albeit perhaps somewhat self-defeating (in a paper justifying/explaining your actions that are not backed up by sound evidence [because there is little if any available]), when you write, "However, there is little written on how to apply the ethical codes to podcasting and YouTube."


Thanks! Yeah, I need honest feedback. I'd rather have someone point out the booger on my nose than let me walk around in the public without knowing.


I proofed some of it so far looking for grammar “boogers” & noticed two recurring things...1) need to spell out numbers under 10; and 2) need to capitalize the word Internet. (Small, I know, but since you asked!)