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What is the internet saying about who possibly killed Hae Min Lee? 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

May 10, 2019.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  




I was thinking about Kirk's idea that if he were given a deal he would take it. And I admit it would be tempting too. Here's the but, you forget that he would be stuck with a felony conviction on his record for the rest of his life which would keep him from getting jobs or voting or being able to assimilate back into society and any real way. He would also be waiving any chance for compensation for the time he spent in jail as an "innocent". so really taking the deal would get him out of jail but it wouldn't restore his life and it would be a jail sentence of it's own. It sounds like he has found some peace with a situation and at least in jail he probably has a job and a routine and he has food. He would probably rather leave jail restored as a whole innocent person rather then and not.


Kirk you said that you'd take the deal, even if innocent, because when you get out of court you could say otherwise. However, I'll bet part of the deal is that you can't do that. I don't know. I will say this though, if I'm ever accused of murder, if I'm innocent, I want a judge, not a jury. People say, "you have the right to a jury of your peers," and I say, "don't do ME any favors". If I'm guilty, okay give me a jury I *might* be able to pull one over on a jury. Not likely to pull anything with a judge. After all, the average person is influenced easily; a lot of people have no concept of hearsay and why that's not evidence. Most people have no idea how to get to the truth. Just got into an argument recently where someone said that eyewitness testimony is the best. I told them that eyewitness testimony is the WORST kind of evidence.