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What Jungian archetypes are each of the Avengers? What do we think about season 8 of GoT so far? 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

May 8, 2019.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  




About "fat" Thor: it kind of sounds like the movie used the old trope of the "damaged fat person" which is super problematic, and reinforces the stereotype that people in larger bodies are that way because of tragic circumstances or circumstances they can control with "will power". Imagine if he was made fun of with the same intensity about his gender or ethnicity. People would lose their shit! But because it's about his weight, people feel justified to make it about his "health".


One thing that confused me in End Game was that 5 years had passed since the snap, where Ant Man’s daughter is all grown up, Tony Stark has a kid, etc., and yet when Spider-Man reunited with his friends, they’re still in high school??