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Dr. Kirk Honda answers emails with Humberto.

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

April 5, 2019.

Email: Contact@PsychologyInSeattle.com

Access archive at: https://psychologyinseattle.squarespace.com

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  




I found myself smirking when Kirk mentioned he listens to podcast 1/2 of his waking life (during driving, chores, falling asleep...etc.) I found this amusing bc a major part of your career is to listen to other people talk. I wonder if Kirk ever just has solitary alone time with his own thoughts?


I wonder what the psychology of Youtube is... like why is there such a high concentration of low grade negativity in the comments? What is it about Youtube specifically that has built this kind of user interaction? Perhaps something to do with constructed identity in relation the way fans relate to media/the media which addresses their particular identity-obsessions


Yeah. Good question. I've never thought about it. But I think it's because a well-received comment on the popular video can get thousands of upvotes. This creates a massive incentive for people who crave this sort of attention.