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Dr. Kirk Honda and Humberto answer the question: is Liam Neeson a racist? For those of you who don't like it when they fight: be warned, there are some moments of conflict. They talk about racism, vengeful thoughts, social change, etc. 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

Feb 18, 2019.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  




I would love to hear more discussions where the hosts honestly explore their experiences and learnings around race and racism. One specific point that made me think this was when Humberto was making a comment about Michelle Rodriguez being ‘darker than average Latina’ and intimating she must be part Black. As a Latino man, I am frustrated and disappointed with the way we make Black folks invisible. Black people are everywhere in the world and of all nationalities and ethnicities. While violence between individuals and groups is everywhere, there is a global trend of profiting off of and subjugating black bodies, not just in this country.