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Dr. Kirk Honda talks with Humberto and Drane about a documentary about a child who killed his younger sister, class warfare, movies, toxic masculinity, and antivaxxers. 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

Feb 22, 2019.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  




Michael your logic is fine if 1/50 men are rapist, then I understand what your saying that women shouldn’t immediately be defensive of men approaching us off the street; however, there is no concrete way to confirm that a man is not that 1/50 and therefore we will most likely be defensive. Additionally, I never actually consider any of the men that approach me bc they know nothing about me and are approaching me purely based on my looks. Which is honestly at the best it annoys me and at the worst it scares me.


I'm very late to this party I haven't seen the ad, and I'm exposing all my attachment issues but here goes. We live in a culture that barely / rarely teaches boys that objectifying, assaulting or raping another person is wrong. Women and men who are assaulted cannot depend upon our society to protect them, support them emotionally or give them justice. Two men, talking about a the attractiveness of a woman is objectifying - and two men together is a pack. Packs of men are very dangerous. It would be an unwise women to ignore the social setup presented in the ad.