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Dr. Kirk Honda talks with Humberto about Nagy's concept of invisible loyalties. 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

Oct 17, 2018.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  



My mom was something of a neat freak. It would make sense that my tendency to leave things out and lying around for no reason fits into this invisible loyalty thing. As in even as an adult this was an attempt to get attention. I realized this might have something to do with it years ago, when I'd actually get to cleaning up it wasn't that bad, didn't take very long, but in my head it was this terrible thing that would take forever. Even today, I still leave things just laying out for no reason. I've gotten better about it, but I tend never to put anything away. Edit: Maybe the underlying connection is using cleanliness as a way to illustrate and manage emotional states. I really let my apartments and condos get messy when I'm feeling down.