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Dr. Kirk Honda and Humberto talk about why people become vegan and how it affects their relationships. 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

Sept 5, 2018.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  



As a vegan of 8 years this episode was disappointing and too triggering to finish… after 20 minutes of diet/nutrition/health information I had to stop. I think it’s important we make the separation of veganism from dieting to truly dive into the “meat” of this topic. Although since this episode is from 2018 I’m really hoping Dr Kirk revisits the topic maybe with a significant vegan advocate/activist. It would be nice to be humanized in society and maybe get the perspective of someone who is advocating for animal rights. (I understand the topic may have eventually dove into those aspects but the diet talk was too much for me personally) I know many people also use veganism to hide an eating disorder so this is important to separate as well. Sorry for the little rant! 🤪


Only 44min in and I decided to stop listening. Comparing plant based eaters to alcohol makes only sense when you look at it from a health point of view. The definition of a vegan (look it up) has 0 to do with health or invorment. Those are just "positive side effects". If I would not be vegan from a moral stand point, I would not call myself a vegan. I decided to not see animals as a "use" for us, instead they are here on this planet with us. Animals are living, sentient beeings and it is scientificly proven that they feel pain and have a lot of simular traits like the human race does. That for me is reason enough to no longer contribute to their exploitation. And the taste thing sounds really redicouls to me anyway. Eating and taste are habits and are learnd already as a baby. I (like million others) grew up with animal productus and just was used and normalised to it. However if I never in my life would have had animal flesh, eggs or Babymilk from a cow, do you seriously think I would wake up one day, see a cow or a chicken etc. and think "hmm..I wounder how they would taste and on top of that could kill it without any hasitation, without any consideration of how I'm killing somebody who wants to live? The answer to that is 100% no. Sit a baby next to a chicken or a rabbit etc. and their instict is not to kill and eat them, they actually want to play with them.