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Dr. Kirk Honda talks with Bob Goettle about  bad journalists, trigger warnings, safe spaces, and Bob's personality.

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

Aug 8, 2018.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  


Deanna T.

Good episode! I have really bizarre dreams. One of the most recent ones was I was getting ready to take a flying lesson (I was actually doing that in real life) and when I got there, the instructor told me we needed to haul a load of ketchup, and asked if I minded. I told him I didn't care as long as it wouldn't make our plane off balance. So, he took a giant hose and pumped a bunch of ketchup straight into the cargo hold and shut the door. We took off, and I was flying. We had some sort of engine trouble, and for some reason, the instructor didn't take over even though this was my very first time at the controls of an airplane. He contacted the control tower at the nearest airport, and told them we needed priority for an emergency landing, which apparently, I was going to do. I wasn't even scared. They asked if we needed emergency equipment on the runway, and he said "affirmative. Well need HAZMAT. There's gonna be ketchup everywhere!" 😆😆 I woke up before we landed.