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Dr. Kirk Honda talks with Jon Atack (from Open Minds Foundation) about narcissism, cults, and Scientology. 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

July 16, 2018.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  



One of the issues I've had with reading about cults is that these dynamics are present in all religions, all groups in general to a degree. Perhaps cults are so often the focus, sort of like abnormal psychology, because it's such an extreme occurrence and therefore interesting. Even Kernberg, the little bit of of him I've read and have no authority on the subject, talked about "healthy narcissism" and really only saw it as becoming a problem at its more extreme side. That was the sense I got reading him, that paranoia and narcissism, while ultimately regressive forces do serve a purpose in limited amounts. A certain level of narcissism keeps people from going to pieces from minor injuries to the ego and a certain level of paranoia keeps one from being taken advantage of. To me that's a different way to conceptualize the issue than it's commonly talked about..these personality problems being considered sort of like getting a cold. It doesn't work the same way, these things are just exaggerated versions of characteristics present in all of us, in many cases brought on by trauma, probably but not exclusively in early childhood (PTSD, for example). I guess I think of cults the same way, they're just really extreme instances of some of the darker aspects present in all groups. We all remember cliques in high school, for example.