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Dr. Kirk Honda and Humberto talk about MGTOW - Men Going Their Own Way.

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

March 7, 2018.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  



You guys should to a reaction episode to this 😂 I’m only 21 minutes in & it’s making me twitch. I’d love to see if your opinions have changed, or at least how you’d talk about them.


Id also love to hear how this conversation might change if you were to talk about how a lot of prejudice against men stems from misogyny & the patriarchy. You said everyone has experienced or knows about an experience where a man has encountered sexism. I never have, every time a man has been stereotyped, discriminated against etc. in my life it was because of misogyny & the patriarchy. It always stems from being anti woman & a man doing something stereotypically feminine or a man acting in a way that perpetuates the patriarchy. In regular every day occurrences I don’t mean the .05% of social media personalities who hate all men, which you could argue also stems from misogyny. They hate all men because of what men have done due to misogyny & the patriarchy.


My experience isn’t the only experience of course, but I’ve found the patriarchy & misogyny is underneath every act of gender discrimination whether it’s towards a man or woman.