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Dr. Kirk Honda and Humberto talk about the psychology of Alex Jones.

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

Feb 16, 2018.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.



"It's problematic that Alex Jones has an audience that then he can, basically, make everything and nothing sound plausible" - Humberto. This was the winning quote. I don't know what it won, just that it won.


I've often taken a strong affinity for conspiracy theories to be a product of narcissistic tendencies to believe that you are somehow so much smarter and better informed than everyone else. Most people are mindless "sheep" or something to that effect. I know better than to imply personality disorder in him or his listeners, but that's the angle that makes the most sense to me. It's intoxicating and appealing to believe you know something that no one else does, that all the people around you are fools...that you're the only one who sees the way it really is. It's a common fantasy. Alex Jones is basically porn for one's ego. So are many other, much less colorful internet personalities. It's certainly not just him. Also, Adorno has a little know text titled "The Psychological Technique of Martin Luther Thomas' Radio Addresses" about a proto-fascist fundamentalist preacher in 1930s California. I highly recommend it. Adorno (and Horkheimer) got most things right and that text is perpetually relevant. Also, I feel as though I should mention your insistence on not diagnosing from afar is admirable. To me, as like a 80% layman, it illustrates a high degree of integrity. That you take your discipline very seriously, and aren't willing to cheapen it in order to score a few cheap political points. You're a good man, for real...