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Dr. Kirk Honda talks about suicide and depression in the military. 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

Jan 10, 2018.

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This was a most outstanding episode Dr.K! I'm at a loss for words when it comes to thinking about how rich (in a good way) your content is!


Very good episode. I am in the Coast Guard and have been for 14 years. It does feel like my branch specifically is making good strides towards better response for mental health related issues, civil rights violations, and sexual assault response. But, I have still seen some of the things you mentioned. I know multiple people who were discharged for mental health reasons. It's particularly difficult for those who are on cutters, especially if they are under way. Even if they wanted to use a service like Talk Therapy they probably wouldn't have the band width or cell phone coverage to do so. I see some of the culture you mentioned, but it seems to be less pervasive in my little world. Granted, as a female, I am sure some of that is just because they keep it quiet when I am around. I am also a supervisor.