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Dr. Kirk Honda and Bob Goettle talk about how to have healthy boundaries with people.

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

Nov 17, 2017.

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Is there a tendency for Borderlines to continue contacting their recent ex on a regular basis or is it more of a short burst of attempts to contact until the boundary is firmly enforced? I'm currently in a stage that I imagine is common to these relationships ending, where the no-contact boundary is being strongly tested with continued attempts at contact in increasingly creative ways. Does that tend to peter out over time? I'm asking partly out of curiosity and partly for my own sanity.


Hey, Tyler! In my experience, the attempts to connect tend to end eventually. I'm sorry you're going through that. Do you have support?


Thank you two! I find your collaboration very insightful and have recommended this episode to a friend who was looking for guidance on how to behave towards a friend with borderline.