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very interesting period indeed....and my sincere congratulations on your ability of treading so carefully on this minefield of a topic. In Germany there are at least some institutions (e.g. the Charite hospital in Berlin, I think) offering a program for "abstinent padophiles" to help them dealing with their desires and hopefully changing them. How about the US ? Greetings


Thanks, Patron Claudia! I'm so glad to hear about that program. There are similar programs in the US, but the ones I've heard about are for convicted perpetrators mainly.


I'm certainly no expert on this, but it seems like "sexual orientation" and "paraphilias" are on a spectrum. At what point does the LGBTIA (?) acronym string need to add some letter or letters to represent sexual attraction to animals, or inanimate objects, both of which are realities for some people? I mean if you can add a "P" for those who are sexually attracted to minors or even to babies? I mean, I think the people who are sexually abusing babies are actually turned on by them.... but maybe they just like to cause pain in babies...