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Embark on a magical journey like no other with our captivating guided imagery, "Kobold Dragon Stuffing." Step into a realm where kobolds, mischievous creatures of folklore, reveal their ancient secrets to you. As you close your eyes and surrender to the enchanting narrative, you will find yourself transformed into a magnificent dragon.

Unleash the dormant power within as you dive into the depths, feeling the raw might of your wings and the fiery breath that courses through your being. The kobolds' whimsical touch empowers you with newfound confidence and an exhilarating sense of freedom, as you embrace your majestic dragon form.

Yet, there's more to this transformation than meets the eye. As you delve deeper into the tale, you will discover the delightful twist the kobolds have in store for you. A whimsical transformation that inflates you big and round, as they lovingly invite you to feel the gentle fullness of being "dragon fat."

Throughout this captivating journey, "Kobold Dragon Stuffing" weaves a tapestry of imagination, empowerment, and self-acceptance. Embrace the delightful adventure that awaits, where you will not only discover the strength of a dragon but also the fun in embracing your inner gainer.


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