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 Okay, I liked how this went last  time, so I figured I'd have another go. Vote for as many settings for the guided imagery as you like. If there's something else you'd like, leave a comment and let me know.

Hipster Wizard - (Urban fantasy) People spontaneously turned into wizards one day and began to channel magic from an unknown source into the world creating an urban fantasy setting. People go to wizards to become blessed with magic, but ultimately usually transform into magical creatures. 

Lion Kingdom -   (High fantasy) One day orbs of power fell from the sky and granted certain folks amazing abilities and sovereignty over magical realms. This is similar to the Hipster Wizard setting, but tends to be more furry.  I consider Frog Transformation and Lion King and Lion Knight in this setting.  

Beast-men Arcadia - (Sci-fi) An underground kingdom of hulking beast-men where every floor has a different theme and environment. Occasional cameos of various comic universe heroes who have gone full-furred beast.

Arbormunk - (Fantasy) Mysterious big-foot like creatures share their magic powers with you. Peaceful walks through nature.

Muscle Mage Druids -  Druids in a high fantasy setting who are super swole barbarian-looking dudes. I mean, who doesn't want to wear a loincloth. Most of their mystic rituals involve getting huge.

Nardia - Like Narnia, but gayer and more watered down. The good fae creatures abide by the "boundless good." Traveling here will mostly likely turn you into  a fae creature or a talking animal. 

Dragon Brotherhood - Burly anthro dragons that live in a  secluded monastery and worship a dragon deity through cuddles. 

General Furry - A generic furry realm. Guided imagery where I describe everyone as animals.

Furry Seasonal - More seasonal content like furry fireworks, furry Christmas, furry barbecue, furry Halloween.

New - A new setting.

Personal Growth - I still do hypnosis and guided imagery for personal growth now and again.

Transformation Triggers -  No setting, just files for anchoring the sensation of transforming into a specific creature.

Utility Triggers - Anchoring certain feeling or mindsets such as "confidence," "focus," "creativity."

Vote for as many as you like. 



I’d like the dragon brotherhood