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Hello Hypno Hobbyists,

According to the $3+ donor poll, you guys really like muscle growth. So I figured I'd reward you with a trigger to feel huge muscles whenever you hear (and consent to) the phrase "get bigger." It also comes with the reversal trigger "back to reality."

I've been thinking about hypnosis lately. Well, I mean, when am I not? There are so many models and views of what it is and so many opinions about it. The most basic take is that it is a suggestion to become more suggestible. Some people point to various aspects of it: the ritual, the physiological reaction, the shrinking of focus, the numbing of perception, the strengthening of imagination and claim that is the most important part. 

But it all comes down to trust in the end, I think. Do you trust your imagination to override your senses for a while like it used to when you were little? Do you trust that the hypnotist will guide you to imagine something pleasurable? How deeply do you let yourself become immersed?

However, right now I'm on a focus kick. I've never been able to focus well and recently I've been able to use hypnosis to shrink the area of my focus. People are able to turn down the hose of information flooding the brain with practice. Famous hypnotist Braid considered hypnosis to be shrinking the focus down as small as possible in order to ignore everything else.  Ultimately progressive relaxation, numbing the body mentally, is a way to focus. 

I think if a person focuses enough, then it becomes easy for the imagination to override the senses. Food for thought.

Anyway, sorry for the wait for this file. I'll try to get a few more files out by the end of the month. Thanks to all my supporters!

Thanks for all the ❤️'s, 🔄Shares, 🗨️Comments, and 💵Support!



Bill Koch

Love this recording — it’s fun to grow huge and powerful and strong. I picture myself at the gym towering over people and picking up any weight like a toy. As I use it more and more - it only grows stronger and I trust my imagination to enhance the experience. Plus - I’ve added some affirmations myself as I come back — I love my body now. I love growing my body. I’m comfortable in my body. Thanks so much for this awesome experience!